Products list

  • Coral Fossil beads, faceted tube, approx 12-18mm
    GB12547 approx 12-18mm $24.14 / 2 strands
  • Tiger eye stone beads, faceted tube, approx 12-18mm
    GB12538 approx 12-18mm $24.14 / 2 strands
  • yellow Opal beads, faceted tube, approx 12-18mm
    GB12526 approx 12-18mm $24.14 / 2 strands
  • yellow Opal nugget beads, faceted freeform, approx 12-18mm
    GB12362 approx 12-18mm $13.27 / 1 strands
  • Tiger eye stone nugget beads, faceted freeform, approx 12-18mm
    GB12357 approx 12-18mm $13.27 / 1 strands
  • Lemon Quartz nugget beads, faceted freeform, approx 12-18mm
    GB12354 approx 12-18mm $13.27 / 1 strands
  • yellow dragon veins agate barrel beads with knot, approx 13-18mm
    GA1800 approx 13-18mm $28.92 / 5 strands
  • yellow Agate barrel beads, approx 13-18mm
    GA1793 approx 13-18mm $28.92 / 5 strands
  • Tiger eye stone oval beads, approx 12-17mm
    GB11997 approx 12-17mm $4.52 / 1 strands
  • Tiger eye stone square beads, approx 18mm, 19pcs per st
    GB11952-18MM approx 18mm, 19pcs per st $7.04 / 1 strands
  • yellow Iron Quartz beads Ferruginous faceted rondelle, approx 13-18mm
    GB11559 approx 13-18mm $12.58 / 1 strands
  • yellow Iron Quartz beads, faceted teardrop, top-drilled, approx 13x18mm
    GB11403-13X18MM approx 13x18mm $30.17 / 3 strands
  • yellow Crystal Quartz chip beads, approx 13-18mm
    GB10915 approx 13-18mm $22.63 / 5 strands
  • yellow Aventurine chip beads, approx 10-14mm, 3-5mm thickness
    GB10830 approx 10-14mm, 3-5mm thickness $3.45 / 1 strands
  • yellow Jade chip beads, approx 10-14mm, 3-5mm thickness
    GB10829 approx 10-14mm, 3-5mm thickness $3.98 / 1 strands
  • yellow Opal Jasper beads chip, freeform, approx 10-14mm, 3-5mm thickness
    GB10808 approx 10-14mm, 3-5mm thickness $3.98 / 1 strands
  • Chinese Agalmatolite buddha beads, approx 13-18mm
    GB10286 approx 13-18mm $34.70 / 3 strands
  • resin bicone beads paved yellow rhinestone, approx 17mm
    GMPD10109 approx 17mm $22.63 / 20 pcs
  • shell bread beads paved rhinestone, approx 15-18mm
    GMPD10029 approx 15-18mm $30.17 / 20 pcs
  • large Tiger eye stone beads, faceted round, yellow, approx 18mm dia
    GMLB4014 approx 18mm dia $10.62 / 1 strands
  • yellow Agate barrel Beads, approx 13x18mm, 22pcs per st
    GA1337-13X18MM approx 13x18mm, 22pcs per st $21.38 / 5 strands
  • tiger eye stone nugget chip beads, freeform, rough, approx 10-18mm
    GMLB3849 approx 10-18mm $8.05 / 1 strands
  • tiger eye stone bead with half-hole, yellow, faceted teardrop, approx 16x18mm 10% off
    GMPDA7681 approx 16x18mm $11.32 / 20 pcs
  • Lemon Quartz beads, yellow, faceted oval, approx 14x18mm 5% off
    GMLB3090 approx 14x18mm $32.25 / 3 strands
  • Lemon Quartz beads, yellow, faceted oval, approx 13x18mm 5% off
    GMLB3089 approx 13x18mm $34.40 / 3 strands
  • yellow Opal Stone beads, nugget, faceted oval, approx 13x18mm 5% off
    GMLB3083 approx 13x18mm $28.66 / 2 strands
  • natural yellow Tiger eye stone beads, round, AB grade, approx 18mm dia, AB grade
    GAM57-18MM approx 18mm dia, AB grade $11.31 / 1 strands
  • Natural Tiger Eye Stone Beads A-Grade Yellow Smooth Round, approx 18mm dia
    GAM56-18MM approx 18mm dia $25.15 / 1 strands
  • Chinese crystal glass bead, faceted teardrop, approx 10x18mm, 100pcs per st
    GSICC899-18MM approx 10x18mm, 100pcs per st $25.15 / 200 pcs
  • wood Bodhi beads, rondelle, approx 13x18mm, 33pcs per st
    GMLB1977-13X18MM approx 13x18mm, 33pcs per st $50.29 / 5 strands
  • Chinese Jade Buddha Beads, yellow, approx 14x18mm
    GMLB1396 approx 14x18mm $33.97 / 3 strands
  • Chinese crystal bead, faceted flat round, approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st
    GSICC631 approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st $27.16 / 10 strands
  • chinese crystal glass bead, faceted round, approx 18mm dia, 15pcs per st
    GSICC347 approx 18mm dia, 15pcs per st $30.17 / 10 strands
  • Chinese crystal glass bead, faceted flat round, approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st
    GSICC233 approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st $27.16 / 10 strands
  • Chinese crystal glass bead, faceted flat round, approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st
    GSICC232 approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st $27.16 / 10 strands
  • Chinese crystal glass bead, faceted flat round, approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st
    GSICC231 approx 18mm dia, 18pcs per st $27.16 / 10 strands