Products list

  • synthetic Turquoise cross beads, mix color, approx 20x20mm, 15.5 inches
    GMT169-20MM approx 20x20mm, 15.5 inches $17.60 / 20 strands
  • dragon veins Agate beads, flat round, mixed color, approx 20mm dia, 15.5 inches
    GMLB1022-20MM approx 20mm dia, 15.5 inches $31.44 / 5 strands
  • mix gemstone beads, freeform, approx 10-20mm
    GMLB766 approx 10-20mm $34.70 / 3 strands
  • lampwork bead within silver foil, round, mixed, 20mm dia
    LWBCH190-20MM 20mm dia $20.18 / 20 pcs
  • Resin bead, mixed color, approx 10x21mm
    PSLT20 approx 10x21mm $15.09 / 300 pcs
  • graphical Shell Beads, flat round, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    SHEGR22-20MM 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $25.15 / 20 strands
  • graphical Shell Beads, flat round, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    SHEGR21-20MM 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $25.15 / 20 strands
  • synthetic Turquoise Beads, tear-drop, mix color, 15x20mm
    GMOT92-15X20MM 15x20mm $21.23 / 2000 g
  • Millefiori glass bead with goldsand, mixed, square, 20x20mm, 20pcs per st
    MGOT26-20MM 20x20mm, 20pcs per st $22.35 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead with goldsand, flat-round, mixed, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    MGOT23-20MM 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $22.35 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead, rectangle, mixed, 15x20mm, 20pcs per st
    MGOT19-15X20MM 15x20mm, 20pcs per st $19.56 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead, rectangle, mixed, 10x20mm, 20pcs per st
    MGOT19-10X14MM 10x20mm, 20pcs per st $11.17 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead, heart, mixed, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    MGOT18-20MM 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $27.94 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead, square, mixed, 20x20mm, 20pcs per st
    MGOT11 20x20mm, 20pcs per st $20.96 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead, flat-round, mixed, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    MGOT10 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $20.96 / 10 strands
  • Millefiori glass bead, heart, mixed, 20mm wide, 20pcs per st
    MGOT08 20mm wide, 20pcs per st $27.94 / 10 strands
  • synthetic Turquoise bead with Peace sign, mix color, 20mm dia
    GMOT96-20MM 20mm dia $11.17 / 1000 g
  • Chalky Turquoise beads, Stabilized, double-face buddha mixed color, 20x20x12mm
    GMT62 20x20x12mm $18.16 / 1000 g
  • synthetic Turquoise Beads, mix color, 20mm dia
    GMOT85 20mm dia $21.23 / 2000 g
  • synthetic Turquoise Bead flower, mix color, 20mm, 10mm thick
    GMOT83 20mm, 10mm thick $21.23 / 2000 g
  • synthetic Turquoise cross, mix color, 20x20mm, approx 20pcs per st
    GMOT79-20MM 20x20mm, approx 20pcs per st $26.54 / 50 strands
  • Mookaite jasper Bead, horse eyes, 11x19mm, 20pcs per st
    GMSMK09 11x19mm, 20pcs per st $5.84 / 1 strands
  • stabilize Turquoise Beads, star, dye, mixed color, 20mm dia, approx 24pcs per st
    GMOT77-20MM 20mm dia, approx 24pcs per st $29.45 / 2000 g
  • Compositive Coral Beads, rose, mix color, 20mm dia
    CRFL05MIX-20MM 20mm dia $27.66 / 100 pcs
  • Round Resin Beads Zebra Mixed Color, 20mm dia
    PSCH039-20MM 20mm dia $15.88 / 1000 g
  • Star Acrylic Bead,Transparent, mixed, 19.5mm dia, approx 440pcs
    PSAC06 19.5mm dia, approx 440pcs $8.91 / 1000 g
  • Lampwork glass bead, flat round, Mix color, 20mm dia
    LWBFR204MIX-20MM 20mm dia $23.47 / 300 pcs
  • stripe lampwork glass beads, flat-round, mixed color, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    LWBFR202MIX 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $16.42 / 10 strands
  • handcraft glass lampwork beads, flat-round, line, mixed color, 20mm dia
    LWBFR10MIX 20mm dia $22.35 / 200 pcs
  • zebra lampwork glass beads, flat-round, mixed color, 20mm dia
    LWBFR09MIX 20mm dia $25.15 / 200 pcs
  • Acrylic beads, transparent, heart, mixed color, 20x21mm, 9mm thick, approx 320pcs
    PSAC01 20x21mm, 9mm thick, approx 320pcs $5.25 / 500 g
  • glass lampwork beads with goldsand, round, mixed color, 20mm dia
    LWBRD23 20mm dia $25.53 / 100 pcs
  • lampwork glass beads, flat-round, swirl line, mixed color, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    LWBFR06MIX 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $16.66 / 10 strands
  • lampwork glass beads with goldsand, flat-round, mixed color, 20mm dia, 20pcs per st
    LWBFRMIX02 20mm dia, 20pcs per st $12.40 / 10 strands
  • Mix Handmade Twist Silver Foil Glass Bead, 15x20mm, 20 beads per st.
    FGSTW15X20-MIX 15x20mm, 20 beads per st. $11.85 / 10 strands