Products list

  • Citrine beads, freeform, approx 12x17mm
    GMOT190 approx 12x17mm $30.17 / 3 strands
  • tiger eye beads, freeform, approx 12x17mm
    GMOT188 approx 12x17mm $30.17 / 3 strands
  • Sea Sediment Jasper, oblong, 13x18mm, 22pcs per st
    GMSSJ06C04 13x18mm, 22pcs per st $26.40 / 5 strands
  • Sea Sediment Bead, flat oval, yellow, 13x18mm, 22pcs per st
    GMSSJ05C05 13x18mm, 22pcs per st $25.15 / 5 strands
  • freshwater shell beads, flat-ovel, dyed, yellow, 15x20mm, 20pcs per st
    SHEOV01C04 15x20mm, 20pcs per st $13.41 / 20 strands
  • Crystal Glass Beads, faceted, 13x21mm, 20pcs per st
    GSICC10C07 13x21mm, 20pcs per st $33.25 / 10 strands
  • dichromatic lampwork glass beads with gold foil, twist, yellow, 16x20mm, 20pcs per st
    FGTW01C02 16x20mm, 20pcs per st $25.15 / 10 strands
  • glass lampwork beads, barrel, flower, yellow, 10x19mm, hole:2mm
    LWBTU027 10x19mm, hole:2mm $18.72 / 100 pcs
  • Natural Twist Leaf Gemstone bead, 13x18mm, 22pcs per st
    GMTW02C11 13x18mm, 22pcs per st $25.53 / 5 strands
  • Oriental Porcelain Flat Rice Beads, 10.5x17mm,7.5mm thick,23pcs per st
    PORC58 10.5x17mm,7.5mm thick,23pcs per st $23.40 / 5 strands
  • Oriental Porcelain triangular Beads, 18x18x18mm,24pcs per st
    PORC57 18x18x18mm,24pcs per st $23.40 / 5 strands
  • Tiger Eye beads, Erose Chip, 4x18mm
    GMST10 4x18mm $15.09 / 5 strands
  • Tiger eye beads, Erose Chip, 6x14-23mm
    GMST09 6x14-23mm $15.09 / 5 strands
  • Gold Handmade Plated with Color Twist Lampwork Beads, 12mm dia,20mm length,hole:1.5mm,20pcs per st
    LWBTW042 12mm dia,20mm length,hole:1.5mm,20pcs per st $20.36 / 10 strands