Products list

  • Jade beads, Round, aqua, 6mm dia, 65pcs per st
    JADEST6MM-311 6mm dia, 65pcs per st $17.51 / 10 strands
  • Lampwork Glass Beads with silver foil, round, aqua, 14mm dia, 28pcs per st
    FGRD05-14MM 14mm dia, 28pcs per st $16.66 / 10 strands
  • Crackle Glass Beads, barrel, aqua, 12x16mm, 50pcs per st
    GSC12X16MM16 12x16mm, 50pcs per st $13.29 / 10 strands
  • Crackle Glass Beads, Round, aqua, 10mm dia, 90pcs per st
    CGRD12-ST2W-10MM 10mm dia, 90pcs per st $14.24 / 20 strands
  • Crackle Glass Beads, Round, aqua, 8mm dia, 115pcs per st
    CGRD12-ST2W-8MM 8mm dia, 115pcs per st $11.39 / 20 strands
  • Acrylic Beads, faceted round, aqua, 16mm dia, approx 210pcs
    PSFR003-124 16mm dia, approx 210pcs $5.85 / 500 g
  • Lampwork Glass Beads with silver foil, round, aqua, 12mm dia, 33pcs per st
    FGRD05-12MM 12mm dia, 33pcs per st $15.32 / 10 strands
  • Lampwork Glass Beads with silver foil, round, aqua, 10mm dia
    FGRD05-10MM 10mm dia $17.01 / 400 pcs
  • 32 inches string of freshwater shell beads, freeform, aqua, about 5-8mm wide, 7-11mm length, 120pcs per st
    SHECF18 about 5-8mm wide, 7-11mm length, 120pcs per st $11.65 / 10 strands
  • freshwater shell beads, round, dyed, aqua, 6mm dia,62bead per st
    SHERD06 6mm dia,62bead per st $15.95 / 20 strands
  • 15.5 inches string of freshwater shell beads, teardrop, aqua, about:22mm,32mm length,13pcs per st
    SHEFD002 about:22mm,32mm length,13pcs per st $10.93 / 20 strands
  • 16 inch String of Round Millefiori Glass-Single flower, 6mm dia, 69beads per st
    GSMR6MM003 6mm dia, 69beads per st $16.14 / 20 strands
  • hand-faceted rondelle Glass Beads, blue, 3x6mm, 114beads per st
    GSBFRDL3X6MM07 3x6mm, 114beads per st $19.11 / 20 strands
  • Aqua Handmade Twist Silver Foil Glass Bead, 15x20mm, 20beads per st.
    FGSTW15X20-06 15x20mm, 20beads per st. $11.85 / 10 strands
  • magnetic Hematite Beads, faceted tube, turquoise blue, 5x8mm, 50 beads per st.
    HBFT5X8-C032 5x8mm, 50 beads per st. $28.49 / 20 strands
  • magnetic Hematite Beads, faceted tube, aqua, 5x8mm, 50 beads per st.
    HBFT5X8-C014 5x8mm, 50 beads per st. $28.49 / 20 strands
  • Coin Round Millefiori Glass Beads Multi Flower, 18mm dia, 22pcs per st.
    MG-CRD18MM-M16 18mm dia, 22pcs per st. $24.56 / 10 strands
  • String of Millefiori Glass Rice Shape, 6x8mm, 50beads per st.
    MG-RICE-6X8-M20 6x8mm, 50beads per st. $32.06 / 20 strands
  • String of Millefiori Glass Rice Shape, 6x8mm, 50beads per st.
    MG-RICE-6X8-M16 6x8mm, 50beads per st. $32.06 / 20 strands
  • 32 inch string of erose Millefiori Glass beads, 3~7mm
    MG-EROSE-M22 3~7mm $11.97 / 20 strands
  • 32 inch string of erose Millefiori Glass beads, 3~7mm
    MG-EROSE-M21 3~7mm $11.97 / 20 strands
  • Cat eye beads, peanut, aqua, 6x12mm, 78beads per st.
    CATE-PNT-6-6X12 6x12mm, 78beads per st. $26.18 / 10 strands
  • Flat round Millefiori glass-single flower, 8mm dia, 50beads per st.
    MG-SFRD-8MM-S20 8mm dia, 50beads per st. $16.96 / 20 strands
  • Flat round Millefiori glass-single flower, 10mm dia, 40beads per st.
    MG-SFRD-10MM-S20 10mm dia, 40beads per st. $18.89 / 20 strands
  • Round Millefiori glass-single flower, 10mm dia, 40beads per st.
    MG-SRD-10MM-S20 10mm dia, 40beads per st. $28.50 / 20 strands
  • Round Millefiori glass-single flower, 8mm dia, 50beads per st.
    MG-SRD-8MM-S20 8mm dia, 50beads per st. $19.95 / 20 strands
  • 16 inch string flat round multi flower millefiori glass, 8mm diameter
    MG-FRD-8MM-M21 8mm diameter $23.47 / 20 strands
  • Seed beads - two cut 2mm, approx 2mm length
    SEBM111 approx 2mm length $2.79 / 1 pound
  • Seed beads - two cut 2mm, approx 2mm length
    SEBM108 approx 2mm length $2.79 / 1 pound
  • transparent Acrylic Beads, faceted round, aqua, 6mm dia, 4500 beads approx
    PS-TR-MF-6MM-19 6mm dia, 4500 beads approx $6.36 / 500g
  • transparent Acrylic Beads, faceted round, aqua, 8mm dia, 2000 beads approx
    PS-TR-MF-8MM-19 8mm dia, 2000 beads approx $6.36 / 500g
  • 16 inch string round multi flower millefiori glass, 6mm diameter, 66beads per st.
    MG-RD-6MM-AQUA 6mm diameter, 66beads per st. $25.82 / 20 strands
  • 16 inch string round multi flower millefiori glass, 6mm diameter, 66beads per st.
    MG-RD-6MM-M16 6mm diameter, 66beads per st. $25.82 / 20 strands
  • Seed beads Opaque colours lustered, approx 2mm
    SEB123 approx 2mm $3.21 / 1 pound
  • Seed beads Silver lined round hole, approx 2mm
    SEBM47 approx 2mm $3.63 / 1 pound
  • Seed beads Silver lined round hole, approx 2mm
    SEBM46 approx 2mm $3.63 / 1 pound